HyperPay Supports QiSwap Platform about Airdropping QI Tokens to QTUM Holders
10 Feb 2021
Dear HyperPay users:
HyperPay will support QiSwap team for airdropping QI tokens to QTUM holders. Users will be able getting QI airdrop reward if deposit QTUM tokens to their HyperPay account before February 13, 2021。 And HyperPay will claim the QI reward for you distributing to your funding account once QTUM officially confirms with all the info. 
【Background information】
The QiSwap platform announced official news that they plan to airdrop QI tokens to Qtum holders on February 14, 2021, and distribute 22 million QI tokens free of charge based on the Qtum address snapshot on February 13, 2021;
Official information: https://qiswapdex.medium.com/airdrop-incoming-ec2abf5efe4a
【Risk Warning】
HyperPay does not endorse prices or guarantee projects for any projects. Please consider all factors such as project popularity, market trends for your own risk tolerance, and prudently decide whether to participate in the transaction, to reasonably allocate your assets.
HyperPay Team
February 10, 2021

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